Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Important! Your Action needed to protect Class A Wild Trout Streams in Pennsylvania!

State Council recently sent out an action alert asking members to comment on the Class A policy change for statement of policy 57.8a. This policy allows the PFBC Board of Commissioners and Executive Director to approve Class A trout waters for stocking.

We ask that you as an individual chapter member please comment on this policy change and let PFBC know they should look at this policy again and include the criteria that was originally proposed.  The chapter will send out their own letter as a group but your individual voice needs to be heard!

For more information on the original criteria and PATU's position, A copy of the letter that the PA Council will be sending out to the PFBC  has been pasted below.

The public comment period is open until December 15th. We ask that you provide comments, if you cannot get chapter approval by this date, we encourage you to still submit a letter to PA Fish and Boat Commission and/or talk to your PFBC Commissioner. 

As a chapter member and member of Trout unlimited, we must stand united and let the commission know that this is detrimental to our Class A trout populations and we need to oppose this policy as written.

To provide input to statement of policy 57.8a, please submit comments in writing to Executive Director, Fish and Boat Commission, P.O. Box 57000, Harrisburg, PA 17106-7000, by December 15th. Comments may also be submitted electronically by completing the form at If an acknowledgment of electronic comments is not received by the sender within 2 working days, the comments should be retransmitted to ensure receipt. Electronic comments submitted in any other manner will not be accepted. 

Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited
PO Box 5148
Bellefonte, PA 16823
December 9, 2014
Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission
Attn: John Arway
1601 Elmerton Ave.
PO Box 67000
Harrisburg, PA 17106
Dear Mr. Arway,
The Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited (PATU) is writing to oppose the amended statement of policy for section 57.8a. Under this revised policy, the Executive Director will obtain the approval of the Commission without taking into account any factors of the coldwater resource.
After discussing this policy with PA Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) staff, we understand that the intention is not to allow stocking in all Class A streams, however, the current language leaves it open to any Class A streams. PATU would like to advocate that the PFBC reexamine this policy and restore the criteria that were originally proposed to PATU and the Commission that allowed the stocking of Class A streams if:
- Angler use meets or exceeds the 75th percentile (number of anglers/ mile on Opening Day)
- The water had been stocked the year preceding the Class A designation
- The stream does not contain a wild brook trout population or the trout species to be stocked are not the same species as the primary component of the wild trout population.
- The stream was not identified as Class A prior to 2013.
- After review of the above data, stocking could be approved by the Board of Commissioners and the Executive Director.
Although we are not in support of stocking over wild trout, the above conditions will provide guidance and a uniformed structure for the protection of our Class A wild trout streams into the future. We hope the Commission will reconsider this policy to include the criteria listed above.
Richard Soderberg Ken Undercoffer
Brian Wagner Richard Soderberg, Ken Undercoffer
President Co-chair Co-chair
Pennsylvania Council Trout Management Committee Trout Management Committee
Of Trout Unlimited
Cc: PA Fish and Boat Commission Board of Commissioners
Leroy Young, Director of Fisheries

Friday, November 14, 2014

November 2014 Northwest PA Chapter Trout Unlimited Meeting

The Chapter will meet this Tuesday, November 18th at the Erie Elks Lodge at 7pm.  We will go over some legislative issues, hold a brief business meeting and then there will be a slide presentation on fishing Montana by chapter members Don Buzzard, Rich Ozimek and Erik Cronk.

Bill Glecos would like to inform members of an upcoming Macro-invertebrate training session that is coming up this Spring.  March 28th, site to be determined from 10 am to 3 pm with lunch provided.  It will cover aquatic macro-invertibrate ID and sampling protocol.  This will be posted on the chapter calendar.

Check out what's happening in the North East School District with their Trout in the Classroom Program. 

Don't let this early winter weather get you down, come on out Tuesday night and talk some trout!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Meeting Reminder: Next Tuesday November 18th

more to follow later in the week but mark down next Tuesday on your calendar.  We'll have a short business meeting followed by a slide presention of fishing Montana by chapter members Erik Cronk, Don Buzzard and Rich Ozimek.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Meeting this Tuesday September 16th

Big Hole River, Montana

The chapter will hold our first meeting of the 2014-2015 season this coming Thursday, September 16th at 7 pm at the Erie Elks Lodge.  For directions to the Elks lodge please click on the link provided in the right toolbar under meeting dates.

A short business meeting will be held followed by a slide show of fishing the Big Hole River in Montana by chapter member Bill Glecos.

Also, please note there will be a macroinvertibrate training session on Saturday morning Marsh 28th 2015.  Please mark this date on your calendar if you are interested in attending the second phase of stream monitoring for TU.  More information to follow.

Montana has been a busy place lately for many members.  For more photos of a recent trip Don Buzzard, Rich Ozimek and Erik Cronk have taken you can look here.

See you all next week!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Meeting reminder: Tuesday September 16th

When the first meeting notice of the new Chapter year comes out, hate to say it but that means summer is starting to draw to a close.  Things might go into hibernation for the chapter during these last few months but I know a lot of you have been getting out and after it both locally and elsewhere.  Why not send us some pictures to include with the chapter newsletters or better yet if you have photos we can put into a digital slideshow why not be our next chapter presentation?  You can email them to the editor at to arrange.

Due to a scheduling conflict, the student we sent to to the PA Rivers Conservation camp will be speaking at the November meeting.

Would you like to see a link to an area stream's USGS streamflows posted on the chapter webpage?  Send us an email with the stream and we can get it posted!

Chapter member and local dentist Jared Kneib sent in these photos of a trip to "local stream X" reminding us that we have many ample warmwater opportunities nearby and it's not about the trout all the time.  Nice selfie Jared! 

Monday, June 30, 2014

Action Alert: Send your letter to protect the Clean Water Act

The Importance of Headwater Streams
Please call your Senator to tell them that we need Clean Water.
A group of senators has begun work on legislation that would halt a draft rule that will restore Clean Water Act protections to some of the most important trout and salmon habitat in the country - small headwater streams. Please take a moment to tell your senator to oppose an attack against the Clean Water Act.
For 30 years, the Clean Water Act has been a great tool for restoring polluted trout and salmon streams, improving fishing across the country. In the last decade this great law has been picked apart by a series of Supreme Court cases. Some of the most important trout and salmon habitat across the country is now at risk - headwater streams. These small streams are not only important for spawning fish, but they are the building blocks for watersheds, ensuring downstream rivers maintain the water quality they need to support trout and salmon.
Whether you like fishing headwater streams, or larger downstream rivers, ensuring these streams are covered by the Clean Water Act means more and better fishing opportunities for you.
Please set aside a few moments to ensure these waters are clearly protected by the Clean Water Act.

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Our New Look

Somewhere in Northcentral PA.......
We'd like to see your pictures here in the future!  You'll
always be able to click on the photo to enlarge

North Coast News is back!

Welcome to the chapters new website and meeting place.  Come on in, take a look around and get acquainted with our new surroundings.  We felt it was about time to upgrade the way we communicate with our chapter members and hope you like the makeover.  Something old, something new.....but definitely time to move on.

Here's what's important:  see that "follow by email" box over to the right?  Click on it and please input your email address and then hit submit.  That way, any time we post a new update to the chapter newsletter you get it automatically, just like you received our emails before.  It's just that simple, safe and secure and I promise you'll only receive chapter updates when necessary.

This is YOUR website.  If you have any ideas or recommendations please feel free to email the editor at or better yet leave a comment below.  I'd also ask for your contributions in a picture or two of a recent fishing trip you may have taken or a fly you like to tie, that sort of thing.  Email them to me with a short description and I'll include it in the next newsletter posting.  Let's keep this interesting for everyone and have some fun along the way shall we?

In the meantime, have a great summer and remember our next chapter meeting will be held in September.  We'll send out a notice when we get closer to that date.  Til then, tight lines!

Erik Cronk