Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Chapter Meeting next Tuesday, September 15th 7pm Erie Elks Lodge

Please see the chapter calendar in the right margin for this years scheduled meeting dates and times.  Also note in the spring we'll be meeting in February and then again in April, with the second annual Fly Fishing Film Festival sandwiched in between on Saturday, February 27th 2016.

At next week's meeting we will recap our meeting with Fish Commissioner Mascharka earlier this year, also some information on a recent electroshocking of Caldwell Creek will be shared.  We'll also give an overview of how the first Fly Fishing Film Tour went and lay the groundwork for the next one.

Hope to see you there!


Some nice browns from the Big Hole River, Montana last month by Bryce and Erik Cronk.
Send us your photos to have featured in the next newsletter!