PATU and Penn State have
asked NWPU to participate with them to provide baseline data for 11 Stream
sites in Erie County; 3 sites on Crooked Creek, 4 sites on Elk Creek, 2 sites
on Sixteenmile Creek, and 2 sites on Twentymile Creek. They have provided
documentation, materials, and longitudes and latitudes for those locations. The
information we would gather would include sample readings for conductivity,
water and air temperature, pH, and stream depth; we have kits available to
obtain that data. Plus, Penn State would like our help with one of their
projects obtaining baseline Methane water samples from PA streams, including
these sites. In addition we are to note any areas of seepage at those location
and provide samples.
This is an excellent
opportunity for our chapter to do some field work on local streams, while
aiding other entities with valuable research. If you are interested in
participating in this project please let Bill Glecos, or Bill Eckert, know by
February 6th and we will then set up dates to collect the required