Wednesday, November 14, 2018

11/20/2018 Meeting Notice

Just a reminder that this coming Tuesday is our next chapter meeting.

Eric Ozimek, whom the chapter sent to this past summers Rivers Conservation Camp, will be attending and speaking about his experience that week.  He'll also answer any questions the chapter members might have.

Discussion about hosting the 2019 Fly Fishing Film Tour again in February, along with taking nominations for a new board of directors will also be on the agenda.

We hope to see everyone there!  7pm at the Elks Lodge, Peninsula Drive Erie.

October Musky on the Allegheny

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

9/18/2018 Meeting Notice

Our next chapter meeting is Tuesday September 18th 7pm at the Erie Elks Lodge.  Meeting information can be found in the right hand margin of this web page.

Tyler Neimond, Stream Habitat Section Chief from the PA Fish and Boat Commission will be our featured speaker that evening.  He will be visiting Benson Run earlierr in the day with a delegation of Chapter Members to view the stream for a potential stream improvement project in the future.

It's been a while since this chapter has had a boots-in-the-much stream project and hopes are high this can come to fruition.  With your help and attendance at the meeting we hope to make it a reality.

Benson Run is a tributary of Lebouf Creek north of Waterford, and recognized by the PAFBC as a Class A Wild Brown Trout Stream.

See you at the meeting!

Friday, September 7, 2018

Loss of a Friend

Long time member and friend of the chapter Robert "Bob" Harris passed away yesterday.

Bob was one of the original board of directors when the chapter was first formed in 1966.  To say Bob was unique would be an understatement:  he was one of those guys who knew a little bit about everything and a whole lot more about a lot of things than most.  Personally, when I first started hanging out as teenager at chapter events he was one of those guys who was always willing to help you out with anything you needed when it came to fly fishing--or anything else for that matter.

He'd always smile.  He'd always be in the center of the conversation.  He looked 30 years younger than he really was (I want those genes!).  Recently, he spent a lot of time at the Peninsula working with the park on a variety of plant and animal projects.  And whatever he was talking about was always "on the thing".  You know what I'm talking about if you've ever spent time with Bob.

Bob was a cool guy.  I'll miss seeing him at Bob Evans on a weekend morning with my family.  I'll miss driving by his house and honking and having him wave back as he got in his car to go somewhere.

I feel blessed by the relationships I've had, and continue to have with chapter members like Bob.  Many of whom were decades older than me- - - but we shared that common bond of flyfishing or flytying so age really didn't matter much anyway.

I hope he finds that place where the trout will always rise, where there are never windknots in his leader and the water flows cool and clean forever.

Rest easy my friend.

Erik Cronk
Chapter President

Monday, June 18, 2018

Summer News--Important!

The Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission is now accepting applications for its soon to be vacant Commissioners Seat for District 1, which includes Erie County and the other counties of Northwest Pennsylvania.  Commissioner Mascharka has reached his term limit with the commission and they are in need of a replacement.

Dan Pastore, Attorney and Founder of Fish USA has submitted his application for the position and solicited our chapter for a letter of support.  The Board of Directors has approved this request and you can see a copy of the letter that was sent on our chapters behalf.

Please click on the letter to enlarge

If you would like to send your own letter, you may email it to Robb Miller at  Remember, you have a voice and anything we can do to make sure this area is well represented on the commission is in our best interest.

Of further note:  The chapter has made contact with the PAFBC about a potential habitat improvement project on Benson Run, Erie County.  Benson Run is a tributary of the East Branch Lebouf Creek and is recognized as a Class A Wild Brown Trout Fishery but lacks good habitat.  A tentative stream-walk is planned with PAFBC representative for September so stay tuned for more information.

Have a great Summer!

Friday, April 13, 2018

Chapter Meeting this coming Tuesday, April 17th

Just a reminder our last meeting of the 2017-2018 year is upon us.  See the information bar on the right side of the website for time and location of the meeting.

A recap of the Fly Fishing Film Tour Movie night, as well as recruitment of new officers and directors will be discussed.

See you on Tuesday!

Monday, February 26, 2018

PA Fish & Boat Commission Executive Director to be in Erie on March 3rd, 1 pm at the Erie Sport & Travel Expo at the Bayfront Convention Center

The Fish & Boat Commission (PFBC) is asking for your help in sharing important information with TU members within your region. The PFBC is hosting sportsmen’s forums across the state to seek input from anglers and boaters on how the agency can best conserve aquatic resources while creating more opportunities for fishing and boating recreation.
The fourth one is being held Saturday, March 3, at 1 p.m. in conjunction with the Erie Sport & Travel Expo at the Bayfront Convention Center. The forum will be held in Room 140 ABC.
The forums are titled “A Sportsmen’s Forum – How Resource First and Anglers and Boaters Can Help Shape the Future of Fishing and Boating in Pennsylvania.” The forums feature an overview of the agency’s existing programs and a discussion of its current financial state of affairs. A question and answer period will follow.
The forums are being held at a critical time. According to Executive Director John Arway, “Declining fishing license sales and boat registration fees coupled with increasing costs make it necessary to take a fresh look at redesigning the agency’s strategic plan. The information learned will be used to help form a new agency strategic plan to meet the expectations of anglers and boaters.”
We are seeking your help to encourage TU members to share their opinions by attending Saturday’s forum and discussing issues in person with Director Arway. They can also share their opinions through an online public opinion poll at
Thank you for sharing this important information with your membership. We hope you and your members can join us.

Communications Director
PA Fish and Boat Commission | Bureau of Outreach, Education & Marketing
1601 Elmerton Ave., Harrisburg PA 17110-9299

Friday, February 9, 2018

February 20th Chapter Meeting is loaded!

Floating the South Fork Flathead River, Montana

This months Chapter Meeting is a good one!

Kylie Maland from the Western PA Conservancy will be giving a presentation on their recent work on Walnut Creek, as well as two upcoming BIG projects on Elk Creek.

A presentation on a drop-float, week long fishing trip into the heart of the Bob Marshall Wilderness will follow by chapter member Erik Cronk.  Ride in 22 miles on horseback with him, and look for big Cutthroats and Bull Trout on the famous South Fork of the Flathead River.  Then find out what it takes to put a trip like this together for yourself (and how to keep the Grizzly Bears away).

Information on the upcoming Fly Fishing Film Tour Movie night will also be available, as well as last second tickets IF STILL AVAILABLE.  Don't have your tickets yet?  To guarantee your seat you can buy them online here.

Meeting starts at 7pm at the Erie Elks Lodge on Peninsula Drive.  Bring a friend, order a cold drink and a burger and enjoy this months show!  See you there!

South Fork Bull Trout

Monday, January 8, 2018

Tickets now on sale for Fly Fishing Film Tour Movie Night!

It's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccccck!

Our third annual Fly Fishing Film Tour Movie night on Saturday, February 24th 2018 is set and tickets are now available online.

-Please pass the word to your fishing friends-