Monday, November 11, 2019

November 19th Meeting Date

Note:  Chapter Elections were held last month and we have a new chapter president!  So Please welcome Bill Eckert and here is his announcement for this months meeting:

Hi Everyone,

Put it on your calendar.   Our next meeting for the NWPA Chapter will be Tuesday November 19 at the Elks Lodge at 7:00 pm.  We will have a couple of guests.  Bob Hetz of 3CU will update us on what’s happening and give us a little history of how the organization got started.  Hopefully, everyone that doesn’t have a 3CU button for 2019 can pick one up and help support this vital organization, unless of course they have their 2020 buttons available. 

Our primary speaker will be our new regional fish commissioner, Dan Pastore.  Dan and Bob are both members of our chapter and Dan will be touching base with me shortly to let me know what he intends to talk about so we will get that out to you prior to the meeting.

Hope to see many of you there and bring a friend if you can.

Bill Eckert