Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Important Meeting April 21st: Commissioner Mascharka to speak and field questions

This will be a meeting you will not want to miss.  PA Fish and Boat Commissioner Edward P. Mascharka III (click name for full bio) will address our chapter regarding proposed changes to Delayed Harvest regulations as well as the new mentored trout fishing opportunities for youth, along with other relevant topics to our TU Chapter.  After he speaks, we will open the floor to questions from chapter members through a moderated approach by our chapter president.

I would ask all chapter members to email any questions they may have or topics they would like discussed that night to nwpatu@gmail.com  in advance of the meeting so that we may set up a preliminary agenda to follow.  I want to make sure we address everyone's concerns and stay on topic, as well as on schedule that night and feel this is the best approach to take.

Of Primary concern to TU chapters and State Council are the proposed changes to Delayed Harvest areas across the state.  Click this link for the 7 page proposal taken from the PAFBC website.  Your state council has drafted a response letter which you may view below.  Click on the actual letter to blow it up to a larger size for easier viewing.

What we need each chapter member to do:  Click on this link to send your comments to the PAFBC.  Your voice needs to be heard whichever side of this discussion you sit on!  Please note:  if an acknowledgement of electronic comments is not received by the sender within 2 working days, the comments should be re-transmitted to ensure receipt.

The commission has already received between 100-200 comments both for and against.  It is imperative that you send in your comments as soon as possible.  The Delayed Harvest concept has been THE most popular program in trout fishing the Commision has introduced in decades.  If you have ever used and enjoyed these areas then your opinion should be heard on the matter.

Notices of our upcoming chapter meeting will be sent to other TU Chapters that Commissioner Mascharka represents in his district.  We are hopeful for a large turnout at 7pm on Tuesday April 21st.

Remember to email your questions for the commisioner to nwpatu@gmail.com prior to the meeting date.

Hope to see you all there!

1 comment:

  1. UPDATE AS OF 4/7/2015: The delayed-harvest proposal has supposedly been withdrawn after the commission received just over 300 letters on the proposal with only a handful supporting it. This does not mean other changes couldn't be on the horizon so stay tuned.
