Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Trout In The Classroom Update: Waterford Elementary Releases their fish!

From Chapter Member Bob Bell:

Last week twenty-three second graders from Waterford Elementary released 74, 2-3 inch brook trout from the tank that NW chapter of PA TU donated to their classroom.

The fingerlings were part of the TIC program.  The class received the eggs in early November.  Shortly after the eggs hatched into alevins, just ask the kids they know the word.  Each day at recess teams of second graders from Mrs Bukoski's class would voluntarily skip recess to feed the fingerlings and do water changes of 3-5 gallons three times each week.

On June 2nd a school bus took the second graders to Lamson Run, a tributary to Elk creek (Note:  our chapter did stream stabilization work on this stretch, see pictures)  where each child got a Ziploc bag with 3-4 fingerling brook trout.  They were then walked to the stream where each kid got to open their bag and release the trout into the creek.  Most of the kids named "their" trout and one girl was heard saying that this "is the best day of school ever!"

Afterwards the kids performed a water test as they have all year in their class.  The water tested well, pH-8.0, nitrates-0, nitrites-0 and ammonia-0.  A good time was had by all and the kids were back in school by 11am.   

Presidents note:  A special thank you goes out to chapter member Bob Bell of Waterford.  Bob is a local veterinarian in Waterford with children who attend Waterford schools so he has a vested interest in the program.  Through Bob's efforts and oversight with Waterford Elementary teacher Stacey Bukoski this program has been a tremendous success through the years.

This is why we do what we do, the pictures prove it.  Thank you again Bob and Stacey and great job to all the kids who participated in this years program!!!!

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